

How much do you love and accept yourself? How does that effect how you treat others? Learn how to love yourself and discover that you are Love. As you let love flow through you, the world mirrors back the love you give to others.

Connecting to Love: Day 4 ~ Love Yourself 

Loving oneself means caring about oneself, taking responsibility for oneself, respecting oneself, and knowing oneself - being realistic and honest about one's strengths and weaknesses.

Self-love begins and ends with you feeling good about you, right here and now. 
How we love and treat other people, is linked very closely to how we love and treat ourselves. 
It is absolutely important to love oneself before loving others because if you do not love yourself,you do not have much basis for loving other people. 

We may feel uncomfortable about the idea of loving ourself.
If you don’t think well of yourself, your manifesting vibration won’t have confidence about receiving.
Every time you do something kind for you, it sends a message to the Universe that you feel worthy of kindness and more kindness comes to you. Every time you show yourself love, you attract the good kind of loving feelings that make you happier.

Learn to Love Yourself, it's never too late to begin to love you. No matter how old you are or how low you feel about you, it's never too late! No matter how many people have made you feel like you don't deserve to love yourself, it's never too late!

An excellent way to begin to love yourself is to do something loving for you. When you treat yourself with kindness, it makes you feel good. The more you feel good, the more you want to treat yourself with kindness. Each loving act, however big or small, is a brick in the foundation of self-love.
Believe that you are complete. There is no person, thing or moment that can complete you. The moment you shift yourself to this frequency, the more likely you are to attract a person and a life that is as complete as you. 
Enjoy your uniqueness, your voluptuous curves, your scars, your imperfections that make you perfect in every way.
You can get out of the habit of focusing on your shortcomings and get into the habit of giving your positive qualities more attention. You can break the habit of treating others better than you and get into the habit of being more loving to yourself. A conscious effort can help you break unloving habits so you can nurture your way to feel better about you. 
Setting boundaries for not tolerating a sarcastic romantic partner, dominating parent, tough boss, mean friend, etc. and not letting what they say or do erode your self-esteem are all acts of self-love.
Every little thing you do to take more control over your life-being on time once, when you’re usually late, cutting down on sugar or cigarettes for one day, making your bed at least sometimes, showing an effort to take vitamins, not using negative words when you make a mistake, saying “no” even once, standing up to someone who treats you poorly. Every little bit of control over your life is an act of self-love because it makes you feel better, at least for the moment.

Faith is the foundation for self-love, no matter what you believe. Believing in something opens up your soul to the beauty of belief and trust. It will build your intuition and help you make decisions based on your gut. When you explore your spirituality it will also take you on a journey to learning things about yourself and those new thoughts, feelings, passions, and raw emotions will make you appreciate yourself for being authentically you.

In conclusion, remember: YOU are the most important part of your life experience. Nothing is more important than seeing yourself as a vital, healthy, beautiful and abundant being who is worthy of all the good life has to offer.


"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, 

deserve your love and affection." 

~ Buddha

Create a self-love ritual: Every morning when you wake up look at yourself in the mirror and say "I LOVE ME".
At first it may be difficult, awkward, and uncomfortable, but this will change in time.
Celebrate your health, your sexuality, your body, your talents, your passions, develop a new relationship with yourself. Thank yourself often and enough.
Practice this as a part of your morning ritual after you wash your face, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, etc.

Forgive yourself. Take out five minutes everyday and think of all the moments where you have faltered and felt guilty or angry with yourself. Send love to your heart area and promise to love and forgive the moment unconditionally. Give yourself the liberty to indulge, falter and be naughty. Nobody is perfect and yet everybody is so special.

Get out of your comfort zone, empower your thoughts, explore your dreams, follow your passions - try something new every day (or week). Eventually, you will end up with a long list of passions.

Write in a daily journal the affirmation "I LOVE ME". You could write too in a post-it and fix in a place you look some times during the day.
Make a list of your passions, your dreams. During a month register what you do 
new for you.


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