

The Divine Love differs from the natural love of man with which he was endowed when created, which belongs to all humans, and which they all possess in a more or less perfect condition in this: that the Divine Love is that Love which belongs to or is a part of God.
The goal of Sri Swami Vishwananda mission is to help us realise and live this inner perfection and beauty, and to live Divine Love. 
Let  Sri Swami Vishwananda  touch you, and make you want to become again that which you already are, always have been, always will be - just Love.

Connecting to Love: Day 3 ~ Just Love

Just Love. In short, that is the simple and powerful teaching of Sri Swami Vishwananda. Yes, just love! LOVE is all you need, LOVE is all there is, LOVE is all you have to do. Love contains everything, the entire universe. And everything Swami cares for is the unchangeable bond of Love between Creator and Creation.

The Kingdom of God is made of one thing only: Just Love.

When "Love" is mentioned here, it is non other than Divine Love. Our ultimate goal is to attain it and live it – again. We say "again", because in essence we are already non other than Love itself. The very essence of our being is Love. Love that can neither be understood nor described, and so two words consisting out of eight letters are probably the best way to limit the language of the mind which by its nature cannot grasp the unlimited through mental concepts. However through the language of the heart, through singing songs of Love, through feeling the Lord and His Love for us inside of ourselves, where we can engage in a dialogue heart to heart, we can reciprocate His Love, and we can unite and "understand" him at a deep level, since He is the very essence of us.

Divine Love is intrinsically part of the human heart. It gives without limit, questions or hesitation, to everyone, even one's own Self. Divine Love is much more than mere feelings, and it is much deeper than anything else one can experience. It is not bound by cause and effect, nor by time. It shines not to receive something in return, for it is selfless. Yet, the person who lives Divine Love has joy, happiness, peace, wisdom, and complete freedom of fear and self-imposed limitations. When such Love has taken possession of a person's entire being, we enter a state that can be referred to as "Self-Realised".

"Open up the mind, surrender it to Him, and let the Love which you have inside of you flow. If you have not yet attained this Love, do everything to attain it, because that's who you are and that's what you are here for." 
~ Sri Swami Vishwananda

Divine Love is not bound by any religion, as it is found in all, however one does not need to be religious to experience Divine Love. It does not matter if we are theists, agnostics or atheists. Divine Love is Unconditional Love, and everyone has experienced it at sometime in their life.

Imagine a day in your life where everything was perfect. Maybe it was your wedding day, maybe it was the day your child was born, or maybe it was the day you graduated. For each of us, the day is unique, yet unforgettable. Remember the feeling of complete freedom. No thoughts of the future, not thoughts of the past. Everything made sense, and everything was beautiful. Remember the joy and peace. This day, you were in love. This type of Love (we like to give it a capital L) is different from the love we have only for a person or a thing, which is of temporary nature. This type of Love is for life itself is everlasting. It is true, it is real. It is vast and all encompassing. There is no beginning and no end. It never fades and it is given freely.

Everyone has experienced this Love, and everyone has this Love inside. The only thing holding us back form living Divine Love are the judgments of the mind, primarily judgments about ourselves. If we observe an acorn, would we label it as imperfect? No. We know that the acorn has not reached their full potential, yet we do not judge it as bad, incomplete, or imperfect. The same is for us. We are all perfect and beautiful; unique expressions of life. We may not have attained our full potential, but that does not mean we are not perfect, that we are not worthy of Love. This perfection, this beauty, this Love, cannot be seen with the physical eyes, it cannot be understood with the mind. It can only be understood with the eyes of the heart, eyes of Divine Love.

“…It’s not what we see outside. It’s not what we judge in the outside with our minds, but, for once, truly listen to your heart, really listen to the call of your heart. 
The call of your heart will reflect the call of your soul, and only when you listen carefully to that not listening to the mind, not saying “yes” to the mind, when it says “I want Realisation”, without knowing what it is.
The mind doesn’t comprehend certain things. The mind doesn’t even comprehend what Love is, so how do you think the mind will comprehend what is greater even than Love itself?...” 
         ~ Sri Swami Vishwananda

Source: www.bhaktimarga.org 

"Start to Love now, this moment. Open your heart and Love. Let it flow. The more you open up, the more your mind is pure, the more your mind is positive, the more loving you will become, and the more Love you will be able to give."
                                        ~ Sri Swami Vishwananda


After read this session, reflect some minutes about the meaning of Divine Love.
Write the daily quote and focus in the words, forget the outside, your mind. focus on in inside, listen your heart.
Make a deep and smooth breath, close your eyes, focus in your heart area, remember or imagine a day in your life where everything was perfect, all around you is joy and peace... you have the feeling of freedom ... enjoy the moment. continue in this state for the time you want. Slowly open your eyes. Be grateful for the experience to Divine Love.

Write in a daily journal the quote. Register what you feel, as is your body, your thoughts. After the meditation register the changes.


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