

Feeling satisfied and fulfilled with your life is an essential part of your emotional and physical well-being. 

Connecting to Love: Day 21 ~ Loving our Life

Many of us have been brainwashed into believing society's definition of success - lots of money, a good job, a perfect family, a big home and a beautiful body. This might work for some people, but all too often we are left feeling dissatisfied, restless and sad. We are not all equal and we shouldn't want to. Life are hard and unfair. Life is full of peaks and valleys and you learn more during the challenging times. When you are in a valley, you might not see the value of it, but later, when you look back, you will realize that you have learned a great deal. We usually to think that life happens and we have no control over it. 
Do not take your good fortune for granted.

George Bernard Shaw says People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them”. 

Don't define yourself in such narrow terms as your work, your body, your house, your kids, or your relationships. You do not have to justify your life with a big list of accomplishments. 
Excuses and blaming people - we all make them. Excuses for why you couldn’t do this or that, why you wasn’t good enough, why your life wasn’t what you wished it was, why your financial situation wasn’t the best, why you was upset at someone. You blamed everything and everyone for why you couldn’t do this or have that, why you felt a certain way, why you wasn't fulfilled or happy. 
When we continue to make excuses and blame others, we are actually giving our power away. We are telling ourselves that we have no control over our behaviors, our decisions, our lives, and our feelings. That is not true - when we blame others for what we’re going through, we avoid responsibility and perpetuate the problem.
We make them for everything all the time without even realizing it, pointing the finger at someone or something else, anything or anyone but ourselves.
Excuses hold us back from being the best we can be, from being honest with ourselves and living authentic lives.
Nothing was your fault or your responsibility. This was hard to see and even harder to finally admit.
You may not think you make excuses or pass blame. 
Start taking a look at yourself. Pay attention to your choices, your decisions, and your reasons for doing (or not doing) certain things. You might be surprised to find just how many excuses you make on a day-to-day basis.
Being honest with ourselves isn’t easy. It’s hard to take the finger we have been pointing at everyone else and turn it around to ourselves.
It’s not easy to start looking at the parts of ourselves we aren’t proud of. It’s not easy to admit how often we do these things. It’s hard to take ownership of our mistakes and problems. It doesn’t mean you did anything wrong, you are always doing the best you can. Love and accept these parts of you.
Once we gain awareness of things we want to change about ourselves, we can start taking full responsibility for our lives instead of making excuses and blaming other people.

We can educate ourselves by opening our mind and heart every day to discover new insights, new people, new viewpoints, and new ways to understand what’s happening around and within us. 
Everything you experience and everyone you meet teaches you something or holds a lesson for you.
There’s nothing more exhilarating, energising and rewarding than rocking your life: your career, your relationships, your finances, your health, your spirituality.  
According Robin Sharma "Take the time to reflect on what it is that might be keeping you from the life you really want and know deep down you can have. Once you have identified what your weaknesses are, the next step is to face them head on and attack you fears. If you fear public speaking, sign up to give twenty speeches. If you fear starting a new business or getting out of a dissatisfying relationship, muster every ounce of your inner resolve and do it. This might be the first taste of real freedom that you have experienced in years. Fear is nothing more than a mental monster you have created, a negative stream of consciousness".  
Take some time to figure out what you really want out of life and then develop a strategy to achieve it. 
As you grow to appreciate your time, independence, self-assurance, skills, and relationships, you will be amazed at just how good you feel, both in body and in spirit.
Your life is about expanding your awareness, expanding your vision of yourself and your life. 
By trusting Divine Intelligence to help us experience life in the way that’s best for us, we empower ourselves to find our own path to fulfillment and to enjoy everything that life has to offer.
The only way we can truly be happy is to realize that our thoughts, emotions, actions, and decisions are our responsibility and no one else’s.
Falling back in love with your life requires a little determination and reflection, but mostly it’s about letting go and just tuning in.
You must learn that the only person responsible for your happiness and life is you. Taking responsibility for your life force you to actually start living it and loving your life.
Loving yourself is the foundation for living a fully self-actualised life. When you start practicing being honest with yourself about your choices and your life, you realize that you are in control of your own happiness and start to really enjoy your life.

Remember that being alive is a great gift. Each day is an opportunity to embrace a new challenge or appreciate the little things that make you smile. Learn to see what is precious around you each day and start to live with vitality and purpose. 


"We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving" ~ Friedrich Nietzsche 

Ask yourself "Do I love myself enough to live in the moment, to forget the past, not worry about the future, but to be truly present to the opportunity within every moment?
Forgive yourself for not being perfect. Be kind of yourself.
Take some time to figure out what you really want out of life and then develop a strategy to achieve it.
Be grateful for the Life you have right now and say “thank you” in advance.

Write in a daily journal a list of what you want for your life. Write the affirmations:
"I'm honest with myself, my choices and my life"
"I Love myself and my Life"


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