

February finished today, however everyday are a great time to take a moment to appreciate all the people we love in our life and all people around us. 

Connecting to Love: Day 28 ~ Spread Love

There is nothing like the vibration of Love. Like Sai Baba says "Only by following the path of love can you experience bliss."

According Carl Jung "The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed"
We are all lovers of life celebrating all human emotions.
Opening to love is an unfolding journey. At times we will feel completely present to the love that is our own nature. We will feel embraced by loving kindness and have the sense that everything is right in the universe.

The opportunities to give are infinite, and our touch, our thoughtfulness, and our love really can work wonders in the lives of others.

These are some ideas you can do for Spread Love - without conditions, judgments or disappointment:
- Always let the special people in your life know that they are appreciated. Remember to hug, kiss and verbalize your love every morning (or whenever you see them).
-  Love is going to be the only solution to hatred, war and destruction, not complaints and judgments. See the others persons like "We Are One" - we all intrinsically have the goal to live in joy, love and peace - Show them the light instead of judging or criticizing their path.
- Practice giving without the need for receiving. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to give. Giving could be in the form of a poem, a prayer, a generous and thoughtful act, a bunch of wild flowers, the giving of your attention or time.
- Send love to everyone, especially those who irritate, provoke or scare you - Feed people with fear and they will become fearsome, feed them with love and they will become loving.
Stop and talk to a homeless person. If you choose to give them anything, do it with love and bless them.
People love to be acknowledged and this can have a profound effect on their day and all the other people they interact with from thereon out - recognise others by saying "hello" 
- You can smile more when you walk down the street, open doors for strangers, give a genuine compliment. I’ll leave the rest up to your spontaneity and imagination. 
Be the calm, light voice in a stressful situation. 
- Give away free hugs whenever you see the opportunity
- You can just be present and truly listen to someone without the need to speak - this is an incredibly loving and somewhat overlooked gesture. 
- Give thanks for all the things that are going right in your life - like the roof over your head, the warm and comfortable bed you sleep in to the fridge full of groceries you may have. These simple things are luxury items to others and the more you are grateful for your blessings, the more blessings you will receive to continue your vibration of gratitude.
- Give thanks for all the mistakes you have made in your life that taught you valuable lessons. 
- Express acts of love and kindness to our planet, animals, plants and insects.

I challenge all of you to become part of a revolution of love... SPREAD LOVE....

May our adventure benefit all beings __/I\__


"Spread love everywhere you go. 
Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."

~ Mother Teresa
Ask yourself: Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say kind words ? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? 

Write the ideas you have to spread love. Put them into practice.

When you see someone who looks sad or unhappy, close your eyes and see them surrounded in golden light. Imagine you are sending love from your heart to bless them.

Write in a daily journal the ideas you have to spread love.
Write the affirmation: "I  trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come".


Please take a moment, share your experiences and comments below.

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Spread the Love 
Invite your friends and loved ones to join you in this FREE and powerful 28-Day Connecting to Love HERE 


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