

2019 is a 3 Universal Year! 

The Universal Year is calculated by adding the digits of the calendar year together, then reducing to a single digit number. It’s SO simple but SO accurate! This means that 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12, and 1 + 2 = 3. After the radically transformational (and not always easy) ‘11’ Universal energy of 2018 (2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11, which was a Master Number and so was not reduced), this brand new year, and the 3 Universal Energy it carries, comes as a welcome shift in frequency. 
There was a lot of work to do. A lot of challenges to overcome, blocks to break through and bridges to build afresh but we had to go through it. And now that we have – now that we’ve strengthened ourselves and our relationships using the numerology of the 11 and the 2, we’re ready for the keys to the playground! 
A 3 Universal Year is characterized by its surges of creative energy, the bustle of social activity and enhanced communication all round. But the driving force behind it all, is personal happiness and fulfilment. 
This year is all about pleasure. And not as a reward for working hard or as a by-product for some other serious endeavour. It’s time for fun and enjoyment to take center stage! But that’s not all that takes the stage during a 3 Universal Year. 
As the number of the performer, the 3 is expressive, and it enhances our desire and confidence when it comes to being seen and heard. 2019 may not turn you into a star entertainer but it will put you at ease when it comes to speaking your truth. 
Everyone’s voice matters and a 3 Universal Year is when we all get to take a turn on the soapbox. Whether or not you use yours to your best advantage (and whether what you say to the world is what you truly believe, or simply what you think people want you to say) could very well dictate how the year unfolds for you. Lessons around truth, authenticity and being vulnerable are likely to show up this year. 
As are lessons in taking judgement and criticism. And by consequence, this is the year when we’ll likely realize the depths of our inner strength and resilience.
As the number of the child and its playful spirit of freedom and imagination, the 3 asks us to live with eyes wide open and full of wonder. 
If you believe it, this 3 Universal Year will show you the magic that exists in the world! So take a deep breath, and turn up the corners of your lips into a smile… we are ready to begin!

Source: Numerologist.com


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