
Being Yourself

You are unique in your energy signature. Like the snowflake, you are unlike all others. You are God in form, Life expressing and expanding. Each thought you think, breath you breathe and choice you make is Divine. It is Life, through YOU. You are a Being that was born eons ago in such depth of Love that from human perspective it is nearly unfathomable. Love of such capacity that it is completely unconditional. There is no behaving a certain way, looking a certain way or even smelling pleasant that is required. The Love remains, fully flowing for All Life no matter what the conditions. That is a level of Love that few even have for themselves, much less another. There is no judgment or wrongness in that, it is merely a condition of 3D earthly Life. As you love the conditions, you gradually express and expand your own capacity to Love. With that expansion comes access to the next level of awareness.

Dear Blessed Being, your energy/information is part of Life. You are a unique Being within a collective. All that you emit is information that informs the system of Life. Do you marvel at your creation of you? Do you marvel at the mastery of the cells in the physical body, the profound connection of the emotions, the power of the mental expanse? These are mere drops in the ocean of your Life as you become the Divine Being that you are remembering you have all ways been. There is no regret from broader perspective. There is no mistake that has not propelled Love. There is no Being exactly like you. As you allow your unique vibrational emanation to speak to the fields of others, you are informing the collective energy field of humanity. This is the language that has the most information within it, far more than the words you speak. It is a reflexive ‘language,’ meaning it speaks from all angles. The actions you do or do not take, speak. Your true intent behind your words or silence, speaks. Your thoughts and beliefs speak. As you become aware of this ‘silent’ language and direct it with the focus of a creative Being, you participate in the creation of your world with greater intensity. Life responds.

As we sit to Blast Being Yourself (Being Myself), we are allowing the flow of Self Love to permeate the air so that those that lack it can breathe it in. We are appreciating the beautiful diversity within the unity of Life. We are viewing the world from the perspective of love and transforming our physical into a vehicle of Love’s flow. We are remembering the True Glory of All Life, such that its actions speak softer than the intent of Love. We are the becoming the Wayshowers of Love’s grace, seeing it in the spark of Life that resides in All. Blast on!

From: www.jamyeprice.com


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New Moon Abundance Check #May / Cheque da Abundância da Lua Nova #Maio

New moons are a time of new beginnings and new possibilities, its when the new moon becomes darkened in the sky, creating a doorway for our intentions - to be sent out into the universe, and attracted back into our lives.

In the NEW MOON, is time to attract and keep more abundance in your Life!!!
Abundance checks are a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives.
Abundance comes in many forms and is so much more than money.

When you write the New Moon Abundance Check, you are aligning your intention with the universe, signaling that you are ready and willing to receive. This is a practical exercise in intention. Doing this every month simply reaffirms that intention.

This is a fantastic exercise to make a habit

(Or feel free to print this article and use the check image)

Writing your Monthly Abundance Checks and don't forget to expressing 
Gratitude for the abundance in your life.

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Share with your friends and family and spread the ABUNDANCE!!!

Luas novas são um tempo de novos começos e novas possibilidades, quando a lua nova torna-se escurecida no céu, criando uma porta de entrada para as nossas intenções - para serem enviadas para dentro do universo, e atrair de volta para as nossas vidas.

LUA NOVA, é tempo de atrair e manter mais abundância na sua vida !!!
Os cheques da abundância são uma ferramenta que podemos usar para criar mais abundância em nossas vidas.
Abundância vem em muitas formas e é muito mais do que dinheiro.

Quando você escreve os Cheques da Abundância da Lua Nova, você está alinhando a sua intenção com o universo, sinalizando que você está pronto e disposto a receber. Este é um exercício prático de intenção. Fazendo isto todos os meses simplesmente se reafirma essa intenção.

Este é um exercício fantástico, 
torne-o um hábito

(Ou fique à vontade para imprimir este artigo e usar a imagem do Cheque)

Preencha o seu Cheque da Abundância mensal e não se esqueça de expressar Gratidão pela abundância em sua vida.

Compartilhe com os seus amigos e família e espalhe a ABUNDÂNCIA!!!


How to Stop Worrying When Your Thoughts Won’t Cooperate

How to Stop Worrying When Your Thoughts Won’t Cooperate?
By Tina Gilbertson
"Feelings, not thoughts, may be key to unlocking the worry response

Source: Chalabala / AdobeStock

There was a time when everybody “knew” the world was flat. If you sailed too far in any direction, you’d fall off the edge of the earth.
For a long time there was no controversy. Everybody “knew” the same thing, so there was no need to argue about it.
Eventually, evidence that the earth wasn’t flat started to accumulate. But the data only led to controversy. Societies don’t change their thinking in an instant. We fight for the status quo.
Gradually, more and more people came to accept that the earth wasn’t flat. Today, everyone agrees again about the shape of the world. But the truth is different.
We have other controversies today, thousands of them from climate change to the etiology of psychopathology. These are truths seeking consensus.
Controversy hasn’t begun in all the places it eventually will, because we still think "everybody knows" certain things that aren't actually true. I’m thinking of one in particular.
Thoughts & Feelings

Something everybody “knows” today is that the thoughts we think give rise to the feelings we feel. “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so,” goes this axiom according to Shakespeare.
It seems to be true.
If, after giving a presentation, you believe, ‘That was awful! Everybody must think I’m such an idiot,’ then that thought will cause you to feel embarrassed, regretful, and perhaps desperate to move to Finland and leave it all behind.

If you think the presentation went well, you’ll feel differently. Pride and relief are more likely to bloom in your brain than shame and despair.

Thoughts do cause feelings. But that’s only half the story. The other half is barely on the radar yet.
Here’s a bit of controversy that’s also potentially good news: Feelings give rise to thoughts as readily as the other way around.
If we accept the idea that feelings and thoughts can create each other…
If we reject the notion that choosing different thoughts is the only (or even the most effective) way to change how we feel…
then we can make use of a better tool for managing garden-variety worry and mental distraction.

A Better Way to Combat Worry

Worry – going over and over something in your mind, playing back an unpleasant event or anticipating one – arises from emotional reactions to the world that we haven’t consciously processed.
These create mental activity in the form of thoughts, which are then blamed for causing the feelings.

What is worry? It’s the brain using thinking to solve the problem of feeling.
We feel bad about something; it bothers us. Thoughts loop repeatedly around the issue, seeking a different angle that’s not so bothersome. It’s the brain's attempt to soothe our riled emotions.
Shame and dread in particular trigger thought-loops.

Most of us try to stop thought-loops by choosing different thoughts. That’s like trying to break up a dog fight by adding more dogs. We discover it doesn’t work, and become powerless.
Since worry is fueled not by thoughts but by unprocessed emotions, the fastest and surest way to stop worrying is to process your feelings about the thing you’re worrying about.

Yes, your thoughts are running away with you. But what's causing them to do so? Look no further than your agitated feelings.

How do you process those feelings instead of letting them whip up a batch of uncontrolled thoughts? Start by naming them, and willingly experience them. You may need to do so more than once for very troubling situations.

Use the T-R-U-T-H Technique outlined in my book, Constructive Wallowing:

T = Tell yourself the situation.
R = Realize what you’re feeling
U = Uncover self-criticism
T = Try to understand yourself
H = Have the feeling

The mental static of worry will disintegrate as soon as you get in touch with the feelings that are causing it. Try it and see."

From: www.psychologytoday.com


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Free Distance Healing #May / Cura à Distância Grátis #Maio

Do you or some one you know needs some healing?

MAY 13th 2017
22:00 Hours (LisbonTime Zone, PT)

If you wish to receive ShiningSoul Prayer & Energy Healing on 13th may 2017 (totally free) put your name and problem into an email and you will receive it.

If you know someone who is lacking health, love, faith, self-confidence, relationships, projects and new ideas, prosperity, work,... in their life or simply needs an emotional lift, feel free to join the List of ShiningSoul Prayer & Energy Healing.

Healing Prayer it is a common way to communicate wishes, hopes, desires and any number of situations with a higher power. This is valid whether it's God, the Gods, Buddha, the highest self or even an inner child.
There is nothing more powerful than the healing power of prayer .

The human body is an energy system, imbalance on any level will ultimately manifest itself into the physical.
In its different forms, Energy Healing is defined as an aspect of alternative and complementary medicine. Energy medicine employs diverse methods to modify and manipulate the flow of energy within the body. The intent is to realign, replenish or stabilize the amount and the quality of energy within the human body.

Prayer and Energy Healing may focus on different aspects of healing. These include physical, emotional, psychological and even spiritual.

Distant Healing is just as powerful. In this healing work, the distance has no effect on the healing power.

All I need from you is an email with your sincere healing request

Write what the issues or concerns you have that you would like to have improved with this energy healing. 
(These issues can include emotional pain, so called “diseases,” physical pain, relationship issues, money issues, or whatever you would like to see improve in your life).

You can e-mail me this information HERE.
 *All information you send is confidential.

May the Light Shine Always on You...
                                                   Maria Arc

 Please forward this to anyone you think may benefit from healing

 Click HERE »

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Você ou alguém que você conhece precisa de alguma cura?

13 de MAIO de 2017
22:00 Horas (horário de Lisboa, PT)

Se você quiser receber a Oração & Energia de Cura ShiningSoul no dia 13 de maio de 2017 (totalmente grátis), coloque o seu nome  e o problema num email para receber.

Se você conhece alguém que tem falta de saúde, amor, fé, auto-confiança, relacionamentos, projetos e novas ideias, prosperidade, trabalho, ... na sua vida ou simplesmente precisa de um aumento a nível emocional, sinta-se livre para se juntar à lista de Oração & Energia de Cura ShiningSoul.

Oração de Cura é uma forma comum de se comunicar desejos, esperanças, vontades e numerosas situações com um poder superior. Isto é válido quer se trate de Deus, deuses, Buda, o Eu superior ou até mesmo a criança interior...
Não há nada mais poderoso do que o poder de cura da oração.

O corpo humano é um sistema de energia, o desequilíbrio em qualquer nível acabará por se manifestar no físico.
Nas suas diferentes formas, Energia de Cura é definida como um aspecto da medicina alternativa e complementar. Medicina de energia emprega diversos métodos para modificar e manipular o fluxo de energia dentro do corpo. A intenção é realinhar, repor ou estabilizar a quantidade e a qualidade da energia dentro do corpo humano.

Oração e Cura Energética podem se concentrar em aspectos diferentes de cura. Estes incluem físico, emocional, psicológico e até mesmo espiritual.
A Cura à Distância é muito poderosa. Neste trabalho de cura, a distância não tem efeito sobre o poder de cura.

Tudo que eu preciso de você é um e-mail com o seu pedido de cura sincero. Escreva as questões ou preocupações que você tem e que  gostaria de ver melhoradas com esta energia de cura.

(Estas questões podem incluir dor emocional, chamadas "doenças", a dor física, problemas de relacionamentos, problemas de dinheiro, ou o que você gostaria de ver melhorado na sua vida).

Você pode enviar-me esta informação por Email AQUI.
  * Todas as informações que você envia são confidenciais.


Que a Luz Brilhe Sempre em Você...
                                               Maria Arc

  Por favor, envie isto para quem você acha que pode beneficiar de cura.

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Abundant Life / Vida abundante #1

Focusing in your thoughts in a positive way on the things you want in  your life, will allow those things to come into your life.

Affirmation of the day:

"I have all of the wealth and success I have dreamed of"

If you find these insights helpful, you may want to bookmark or liked this page.
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Live with Wealth!!!

~ Maria Arc

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Focalizar os seus pensamentos de uma maneira positiva nas coisas que você quer na sua vida, permitirá que aquelas coisas venham para a sua vida.

Afirmação do dia:

"Eu tenho toda a riqueza e sucesso que tenho sonhado"

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Viva com Riqueza !!!

~ Maria Arc

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Abundant Life / Vida abundante


The Universe is full of endless abundance for every humam being on the planet.
Anyone can rise up and live a life of wealth, success and fortune.

There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of humanity. And that lie is, ‘"There’s not enough good to go around. There’s lack and there’s limitation and there’s just not enough."
The truth is that there’s more than enough good to go around. There is more than enough creative ideas. There is more than enough power. There is more than enough love. There’s more than enough joy. All of this begins to come through a mind that is aware of its own infinite nature.
There is enough for everyone. If you believe it, if you can see it, if you act from it, it will show up for you. That's the truth.” 
                                                   ~ Michael Beckwith

Abundant Life is a program for realizing abundant prosperity in your life, through various methods and techniques.
The Abundant Life is a life-changing Program that shows you step-by-step how to change your subconscious "lack-mentality" into a powerful and abundant "prosperous mentality"; how you too can change your life and the lives of those you love, creating wealth in your life. life.

More news soon....


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Live with Wealth!!!

~ Maria Arc

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Vida abundante

O Universo está cheio de abundância infinita para cada ser humano neste planeta.
Qualquer um pode se erguer e viver uma vida de riqueza, sucesso e fortuna.

"Há uma mentira que age como um vírus dentro da mente da humanidade. E essa mentira é, "Não existe nada suficientemente bom para dar a volta". Há falta e há limitação e não basta.
A verdade é que há mais do que suficiente para dar a volta. Há mais do que suficiente ideias criativas. Há poder mais do que suficiente. Há amor mais do que suficiente. Há mais do que suficiente alegria. Tudo isso começa a vir através de uma mente que está consciente de sua própria natureza infinita.
Há o suficiente para todos. Se você acredita, se você pode vê-la, se você agir a partir dela, ela aparecerá para você. Essa é a verdade. "
                                                         ~ Michael Beckwith

A Vida Abundante é um programa para realizar prosperidade abundante na sua vida, através de vários métodos e técnicas.

A Vida Abundante é um programa de mudança de vida que mostra passo a passo como mudar o seu subconsciente "falta de mentalidade" em uma poderosa e abundante "mentalidade próspera"; como você pode mudar sua vida e as vidas daqueles que você ama, criando riqueza na sua vida.

Mais notícias em breve ....


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Viva com Riqueza !!!

~ Maria Arc

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