
Healing / Cura

Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed.
It means the damage no longer controls our lives.

Cura não significa que o dano nunca existiu. 
Significa que o dano não controla mais a nossa vida.


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New Moon Abundance Check #October / Cheque da Abundância da Lua Nova #Outubro

Abundance comes in many forms: includes abundant health, wisdom, inspiration, joy and relationships - Abundance is everything, everything is energy and energy is abundant and unlimited.

Abundance checks are a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives.
Abundance comes in many forms and is so much more than money.

When you write the New Moon Abundance Check, you are aligning your intention with the universe, signaling that you are ready and willing to receive. This is a practical exercise in intention. Doing this every month simply reaffirms that intention.

This is a fantastic exercise to make a habit

(Or feel free to print this article and use the check image)

Writing your Monthly Abundance Checks and don't forget to expressing 
Gratitude for the abundance in your life.

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Share with your friends and family and spread the ABUNDANCE!!!

Abundância vem em muitas formas: inclui abundante saúde, sabedoria, inspiração, alegria e relacionamentos - A abundância é tudo, tudo é energia e a energia é abundante e ilimitada.

Os cheques da abundância são uma ferramenta que podemos usar para criar mais abundância em nossas vidas.
Abundância vem em muitas formas e é muito mais do que dinheiro.

Quando você escreve os Cheques da Abundância da Lua Nova, você está alinhando a sua intenção com o universo, sinalizando que você está pronto e disposto a receber. Este é um exercício prático de intenção. Fazendo isto todos os meses simplesmente se reafirma essa intenção.

Este é um exercício fantástico, 
torne-o um hábito

(Ou fique à vontade para imprimir este artigo e usar a imagem do Cheque)

Preencha o seu Cheque da Abundância mensal e não se esqueça de expressar Gratidão pela abundância em sua vida.

Compartilhe com os seus amigos e família e espalhe a ABUNDÂNCIA!!!

Did you Know? / Você sabia?

We are what we think. 
All that we are arises with our thoughts. 
With our thoughts we make the world.
~ Buddha

"Somos o que pensamos. 
Tudo o que somos surge com nossos pensamentos. 
Com nossos pensamentos nós fazemos o mundo. "
~ Buddha


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Adiemus ~ Karl Jenkins

Ariadiamus late ariadiamus da  ari a natus late adua A-ra-va-re tu-e va-te  a-ra-va-re tu-e va-te  a-ra-va-re tu-e va-te la-te-a Ariadiamus late ariadiamus da  ari a natus late adua A-ra-va-re tu-e va-te  a-ra-va-re tu-e va-te  a-ra-va-re tu-e va-te la-te-a A-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we  a-na-ma-na coo-le ra  a-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we a-ka-la...  a-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we a-ka-la........  ah-ya-doo-ah-eh  a-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we a-ka-la.....  a-ya-doo-ah-eh...  a-ya doo a-ye  a-ya doo a-ye **  A-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we  a-na-ma-na coo-le ra  a-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we a-ka-la...  a-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we a-ka-la........  ah-ya-doo-ah-eh  a-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we a-ka-la.....  a-ya-doo-ah-eh...  a-ya doo a-ye  a-ya doo a-ye  ---  a-ri-a-di-a-mus la-te  a-ri-a-di-a-mus da  a-i-a na-tus la-te a-du-a. A-ra-va-re tu-e va-te  a-ra-va-re tu-e va-te  a-ra-va-re tu-e va-te la-te-a. A-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we  a-na-ma-na coo-le ra  a-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we a-ka-la...  a-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we a-ka-la........  ah-ya-doo-ah-eh  a-na-ma-na coo-le ra-we a-ka-la.....  a-ya-doo-ah-eh...  a-ya doo a-ye  a-ya doo a-ye ya-ka-ma ya-ma-ya-ka-ya me-ma  a-ya-coo-ah-eh mena  ya-ka-ma ya-ma-ya-ka-ya me-ma  a-ya-coo-ah-eh mena  ya----ka--ma me--ah  a-ya-coo-ah-eh mena  ya----ka--ma me--ah


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Healing Yourself

Healing Yourself...

More news soon...


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What You Do For Yourself?
Tell me ... All comments are welcome...

O Que Faz Por Você?
Diga-me ... Todos os comentários são bem vindos...


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Importance of health / Importância da saúde

How Much Is Important Your Health ?

Tell me ...
All comments are welcome

Quanto É Importante a Sua Saúde ?

Conte-me ...
Todos os comentários são bem-vindos


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Trouble Sleeping? / Problemas em dormir?

Trouble Sleeping?

I can help you ... 

Pay Attention » More News soon ...

Problemas em dormir?

Eu posso ajudar ... 

Preste Atenção » Mais Novidades em Breve ...


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Tired? / Cansado?

Do you Feel Tired?

I can help you ... Pay Attention » More News soon ...

Sente-se Cansado(a)?

Eu posso ajudar ... Esteja Atento » Mais Novidades em Breve ...


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How to remove tartar with only one ingredient?

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine which is still applied in order to preserve health. With the aim of detoxification of the body, eliminating toxins, harmful metabolites, bacteria and viruses, or in order to disinfection of the oral cavity, removing plaque, caries, ulcers and of bacterial infections in the mouth, Ayurveda uses only one ingredient, which we all have in the kitchen.

Method of shaking oil per Ayurveda

In order to eliminate bad breath, gingivitis, tartar white layer on tongue, use unrefined vegetable oil. The most commonly used unrefined sunflower oil and unrefined coconut oil, although other cold pressed oils can be used.
All you need is to in the morning before breakfast, take 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, but should not be swallowed. On the contrary, oil should remain in the mouth and shaking for a period of 5 minutes to make a miracle.

Miracle that will appeared is visible in changed color of oil, which will no longer be a golden yellow (sunflower oil), but will become a milky white.

When the oil becomes white, it is a sign that the shaking oil method according to Ayurveda was successful and that the process of detoxification passed successfully.

With this method you only can get clean white teeth, no bad breath, periodontal disease, gingivitis, tartar. After applying oil, mouth and teeth can be washed in a regular way, and use floss to clean teeth.

From Tip On Prescription

* This recipe is not be construed in any way as medical advice.
Please note that this natural treatment may or may not work for you and that you will do this at your own risks