An Angel is a supernatural being or spirit found in various religions and mythologies.
In Abrahamic religions and Zoroastrianism, angels are often depicted as benevolent celestial beings who act as intermediaries between god or Heaven and Earth, or as guardian spirits or a guiding influence.
In Abrahamic religions and Zoroastrianism, angels are often depicted as benevolent celestial beings who act as intermediaries between god or Heaven and Earth, or as guardian spirits or a guiding influence.
The word Archangel is derived from the Greek ἀρχάγγελος (arch- + angel, literally chief angel).
The earliest reference to a system of seven archangels as a group appears to be in Enoch I (the Book of Enoch) which is not part of the Jewish Canonbut is prevalent in the Judaic tradition, where they are named as Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Remiel and Saraqael.
The Cathedral of the Archangel Michael icon. The representation of the seven archangels. Michael at the center, the almond of Christ, Gabriel and Raphael, Jehudiel, Selaphiel, Uriel, Baraquiel - Crop enh.
According to Rudolf Steiner, four important archangels also display periodic spiritual activity over the seasons: Spring is Raphael, Summer is Uriel, Autumn is Michael, and Winter is Gabriel.
In art, archangels are sometimes depicted with larger wings. Some of the more commonly represented archangels are Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel.
Archangels exist outside of any one religion or culture, and they exist outside of time and space.
Following this line of reasoning, Aries (astrologically ruled by Mars) represents Spring, Cancer (ruled by Moon) represents Summer, Libra (ruled by Venus) represents Autumn, and Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) represents Winter. Therefore by association, Raphael is Mars, Uriel is Moon, Michael is Venus, and Gabriel is Saturn.
Rudolf Steiner's Northern Hemisphere indications regarding the seasons and their placement in the Zodiac will be the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere, making Michael the Autumn archangel - with Mars in Ares; Raphael the Spring Archangel - with Venus in Libra; and in mid-winter Gabriel in Cancer; Uriel presides in Capricorn during mid summer in the south.
In art, archangels are sometimes depicted with larger wings. Some of the more commonly represented archangels are Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, and Uriel.
Archangels exist outside of any one religion or culture, and they exist outside of time and space.
Archangels are magnificent spiritual beings who vibrate with an incredible light and frequency. They are great beings of light and unconditional love who coordinate and oversee guardian angels, guides, and other angels who provide help to us on Earth.
They are able to view reality, including our past, present and future as one stream of energy within the present moment, which enables them to offer powerful guidance and enlightening new perspectives. Each Archangel illuminates specific attributes and qualities of Creator, God, and of all that is through the immense Divine Light and love they carry.
The Archangels serve within the Heavens and on Earth, and their missions are often closely intertwined with helping humanity, because of this, their presence has been documented in many of the worlds religions.
Archangels are highly evolved spiritual beings of the light, who are more than willing to offer their love, guidance, healing,and support whenever we ask, but will not interfere without our permission.
There is no one way to properly connect with or evoke the Archangels, but one thing is certain, by increasing your vibration first, and learning to open your subtle and psychic senses you’re far more likely to connect with the high vibrational energy of the Archangels in a meaningful way.
Source: Wikipédia, Ask-Angels
They are able to view reality, including our past, present and future as one stream of energy within the present moment, which enables them to offer powerful guidance and enlightening new perspectives. Each Archangel illuminates specific attributes and qualities of Creator, God, and of all that is through the immense Divine Light and love they carry.
Archangels are highly evolved spiritual beings of the light, who are more than willing to offer their love, guidance, healing,and support whenever we ask, but will not interfere without our permission.
There is no one way to properly connect with or evoke the Archangels, but one thing is certain, by increasing your vibration first, and learning to open your subtle and psychic senses you’re far more likely to connect with the high vibrational energy of the Archangels in a meaningful way.
Source: Wikipédia, Ask-Angels
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